Kolyadki with fillings with pot cheese, or cheese.

Kolyadki with fillings with pot cheese, or cheese

Kolyadki is very small pies with a different fillings.
Ingredients for dough:
✔ 2 cups rye flour,
✔ 2 cups wheat flour,
✔ 2 cup water or milk,
✔ 1 - 3 tbsp sour cream,
✔ salt, to taste.
✔ sunflower oil, for baking sheet

For pot cheese filling:
✔ 100 g (3,5 oz) fresh pot cheese.
✔ 1/2 tsp sugar.
✔ 1 egg yolk, beaten.

For cheese filling:
✔ 150 g (5,3 oz) cheese, grated.
✔ 1 egg, beaten.
✔ 1 egg, hard boiled.
✔ salt, chopped parsley, Celery and dill to taste.

caraway seeds, cumin

Combine all ingredients for dough. Knead the dough by hand or machine. If by hand, turn it out on a floured board and work it until it is smooth and elastic, approximately 10 minutes. If using a dough hook on an electric mixer, knead the dough at the slowest speed for about 5 minutes. Add more flour if need.
Shape the dough into a ball and put it in the oiled bowl. Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave to stand for 20 - 40 minutes.

Roll out the dough on a floured board, make a small circles and put a small ball of your favorite filling onto each. The edges have to be joined and pinched together.

Distribute Kolyadky on greased baking sheet and bake in temperature 220 C / 428 F oven until golden brown.

To make a pot cheese filling: Combine all ingredients, whisk very well.

To make a cheese filling: Combine all ingredients, stir.